Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday: The Waiting Game!

As you may have heard yesterday, the starter I needed was in Toronto which meant it had to be flown special delivery over night to Winnipeg which by default means I have 2 additional days and nights to stay in the Peg!... That is, if it does get here today and they can install it by day's end. Stay tuned!

Outside it's cold, overcast and rainy... Here's a view from my room:

I'm in my room watching "How It's Made"... I now know how to make Hammers, Colored Pencils, Banana Chips et al.

My eye infection is getting better... Gave myself a small hair cut this morning... Got a bit of a mullet action going on *_* Gonna do my laundry this afternoon.... Oh the Humanity!

Was quite bored yesterday... Need proof?

Dr Phil?

Ordered a Hungry-Man Pizza to my room last night:

It actually tasted better than it looks!

This morning I took myself over to a Supercentre to pick up shields for my new iPhone that I got replaced for free at the Apple store... My old one got soaked the other day when I was on the road... Jeez... When I was on the road.... Feels like a distant memory! ...sigh!

So bored I took myself to a restaurant for more food... Anybody who knows me know I only eat one meal a day on average... If I don't get on my way I'm gonna be bigger than a whale!

View from my table... Since I wasn't dressed as a biker... nobody came up and talked to me... so I talked to the chair.... Did I mention that traveling alone can sometimes be lonely?


1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe, I guess growing a mullet maybe an attractive past-time. Is that what they do in 'Peg??? So hopefully you would be on the road soon.....vroommm, vroooommmm, off to Vancouver you go. Miss you, love Wu
