Sunday, June 5, 2011

Great Day in Victoria!

Got up early  David took me to Ted's to look at my light - low beam - that was not working... Doug not only put a new one on but also installed the new Gremlin bell David and Kat gave me:

Doug also told me his nickname is Psycho!... What that means... I don't know...

David began to detail my bike:

When he had finished... it was Gleamin!
Great Job David!... Thanks!

But!... When we went to leave... My Oakley Sun Glasses were missing!.. Looked everywhere... Did not find them!... We left :-(

Went touring in the sun... Was a great ride:

Here I am at Mile 0 on the Trans Canada Highway..... With Helmet-Head-Hair   pressed against my head!

Here I am with Terry F at Trans Cda 0...I bike... he liked to walk... I understand....*_*.... What?... Too Soon?

Later in the day we went back to David's to watch the hockey game... Ted from the bike shop phoned to say they found a set of glasses... Mine!.. We went back:

Honest Ted!.. Bikers are the salt of the earth!... Thanks Ted!

Then... we ordered pizza and watched the V-Cannucks win their second game... What a way to finish a great day... when the Toronto Maple Leafs no longer matter!

About to go to bed... Tired... Up early tomorrow to take the ferry back to Vancouver to head south to the USA...

Still much to do and discover.. Stay tuned my little adventurers... See ya tomorrow in another country!



  1. I felt like I was on holiday re-connecting with godfather mischief from my high school days. Great riding, perfect weather, lost items being found and fond reminiscing. What a treat! Enjoy the U.S. leg of your ride Paul and yer iphone's recharging in the kitchen....don't forget it.

  2. Hey Joe, sounds like you did have a great time in V with your with the bike all spruced up, some R & R, Enjoy the southbound trek, keep the G bell safe and happy riding! Love Wu
