Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday: The Coldest and the Longest!

Started my bike this morning in the underground at the Blackstone In Canmore at 7am... The car next to me had an after-market alarm system on it... One crack of my pipes and it went off!...I laughed as it was screaming away as I "left... The Building!"

I used to do that downtown where there were 3 of these alarms parked on the same street... I'd go by on my bike 2 or 3 times a week and every time their alarms would go off and the owners would run from the house...I'm a Baaad Boy! -_-

Today was by far the coldest day so far... 5 Layers were not enough this morning.. I froze!

As I entered Banff National Pk I saw 2 elks.. Thought they were statues first, until they moved... Still had fur on their spring antlers.

Later, I saw the biggest black bear I've ever seen..Grizzley size.... Then, at the side of the road - 5 feet from me as I drove by - a mother black bear and 3 cubs.... Then... 2 minutes later... even closer, another mother bear and 2 cubs... The mother looked me in the eye as I passed her on the bike.... I think she likes bikers!

Came around a corner and looked up... Not more than 50 feet from me... 10 white fluffy mountain goats... they like bikers too judging by the way they all gave me the eye.

Later I passed tiny ponys, little burrows, a few lamas and a dead badger..

I also saw two of the most tangeled and destroyed 18 wheelers that went off the road on the mountain highway... I;m sure there were no survivers..

When I got to Salmon Arm the sun came out and I peeled a layer....Hey... what's with a town called Salmon Arm... What does that mean?... Who comes up with these names?... Was there a guy who caught a salmon with an arm or was there a guy in town sporting a salmon for an arm?... How about Weasel Knee?.. I like that one.

12 hours later, I made it through the mountain rain and now I'm in Coquitlem BC.... Why?... Because there are 3 conventions and a NHL Playoff game in Vancouver... so 25 Kms is the closest room I could get.

Very exhausted... It's raining like a pig outside and I can't get the hockey game on tv...

Life is good?



  1. Joe, sounds like a great day! Glad you made it to BC. Lovely part of CA!!! Enjoy your visits with DD and D. Hope the Canucks get the Stanley Wu

  2. Sounds like the worst is behind you. Enjoy the rest of the trip.

    I had to put the comment in as anonymous. How do I find out what my URL is?

