Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday: The start of Week Four on the Road!

As mentioned, today I find myself waking up in Hayward California at yet another of my sister Jaqcui and George's many homes. This one too, is quite unique and beautiful... It's a Spanish design:

Many fruit trees: Grapefruit, Orange and Lemon

Big waterfall at the end of the yard
not on cause it's early in the morning

Let me introduce you to my brother-in-law George:

Suffice to say, George is a self-made 'Gazillionaire'
Who still works harder in one afternoon than most people do in a week.
The Shearstone family lucked out when he showed up at our door in a lemon colored beat-up litttle car many years ago!

Here's my Nephew Kevin... Who is also my God-son.

I like to call him BB ... which is short for 'Bastard-Boy'
Sometimes I just call him 'B'... which is short for Bastard!

I find that if you can call anybody this big a Bastard ... and get away with it.... That's a pretty good thing!
Would all you Bastards out there not agree with me? ^_^

And if you think he's big... wait till you see his dogs Murphy and Melvin...
Murphy I understand, has lost some weight...
He's now only 160LBS!

In the meantime... Meet J&G's dogs Osker and Felix

Lovely little dogs..
Felix - on the right - has taken a shine to me and we spend much time together...
Osker still follows Jacqui everywhere...

Sadly... all that will change when the Wu gets here and works her 'Animal-Charm' on the both of them and the rest of us will not see the dogs again! LOL

Well.. the sun is trying to come out... It's unseasonably cold here today...Just hope it doesn't rain so I can get a GPS for my bike and say G-Bye to ol' Moses!

Talk to you soon... Life is Good!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe, I can hardly wait to see all these modern-day palaces that your sis and George own. Also looking forward to seeing your folks and doggies too of course!!! So hope it warms up soon. Go Cannucks Go!!!! Love Wu
