Monday, June 20, 2011

Leaving Cali:.. Hello Nevada!... oh ya.. My new GPS is a B*#@ch!

So the Wu and I left California this morning:

We went to Reno.....

In Reno there was a Rodeo Convention.... While the Wu played slots... I saw cowboys of every convention[ there was a cowboy convention in town!] I saw cowboys thicker than a bull full of a barn full'o'hay!... Thinner than a shaft 'o wheat in a drought... Cowboys like a new shoot 'o corn and and cowboys littler than a sprout, knee high to a grasshopper!... These guys had 5 inch heels and 2 inch soles and still looked up to me in my biker boots!,,, LOL.

Tonight the Wu and I have had a great time in Reno:

On the way..however... I put into my gps... I wanted to go to Reno... which... since I also programed I wanted o go the fastest route... It wanted to take me over Ebbitts Pass ... which... since I had my 'reason-for-livining' behind me on the bike....up with which... I was not prepared to put!... so we went the long way...

So I programmed in ... Take me to Reno from Angeles Camp... 20 miles away from where I was...

No problem..

Left Murphys ... got to Angels ... then the GPS started telling me where to go...BACK TO WHERE I LEFT FROM!

I can only imagine the argument I might have with the girl on the GPS I might have with her if she was real:

Me:... wtf!
Her: What's yer problem?!
You sent me back to where we started!
No I didn't!
Ya... you did!
You just didn't listen to me!
No!... I heard you.... You took me the wrong way!
Why are you up in my grill Big Head?!... You never listen to me Ever!
I listen When You're Right!
Bite Me!
No You Bite Me!

.... and then it ends.... She got the last word...

and she's a GPS

as it was.. the Wu and I ended up in Reno... Had a great dinner... I'm in my room talking to you... She's out at the slots spending money having a good time !

Life is still good!


1 comment:

  1. I had a night in Reno once...warm and sunny going in and snow and cold through the pass going out... talk sweet to Miss Moses and she'll treat you right! Ride safe Paul and Wu. DD
