Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday: Ran out of Gas in the middle of the Nevada Desert!

The morning was bright and sunny in Reno... We remembered some of the things we did the night before:

The Wu showing off by the closest thing she could find to a dog!

Then we took off across the desert... many miles... No gas stations.... Then.. began to run out of Friggin GAS!

Eventually we left the highway.... only on fumes... We saw a sign for an air field... We thought an air field ... in the desert must have gas... or people....

The whole experience was like a "Yeh!... Boo!" comedy sketch....

Yeh!... it was a nice day!
Boo! you ran out of fuel in the desert!
Yeh!... There's an airport!
Boo!... It's abandoned....  there is nobody there!
Yeh!... There are gas pumps!
Boo! ...It's air plane fuel!

and it went on and on...

I know what it's like to die of thurst on a raft in the ocean... All around me... Fuel!... No Gas!
Dead Plane

I got this pump working... The fuel - air plane fuel - didn't smell right!

The Wu noticed this shed with a lawn mower in front of it.
But there was a lock on it!... Boo!
But the lock wasn't fully locked!... Yeh!
I opened the lock and ther was a dirt bike there!... Yeh!
And a can of GAS!... Frickin YEH!
So I decided to buy it!

I filled my tank to 1/4 full... leaving my new friend enough gas to fill his tank.... and I left a 10 dollar bill and re-locked the place like he had and left!

I said to the Wu... I'll bet there's a town very close to where we are... and sure enough... 4 miles down the road was a town with plenty of gas stations!

I'm still convinced that we would not have made it to there and would have been stuck on the side of the road.

Now.. I am in my room in Wells Utah.. 130 miles West of the salt flates...

The Wu is in a little casino we visited in 2004 when the UnEasy Riders made our way to Cali for the first time... It's like going back in time,

Tomorrow... Up early... headed for Wyoming... then Dakota....Hope the weather stayes good!


1 comment:

  1. Holy Moly...no Uneasy rider post for Wednesday and now I'm Jonesing to know what's up!DD
